1. Eat healthy and in moderation. I'm not one that promotes or gives into the fad diets. For me, it's about eating as healthy as possible and in proper portions all year round. Am I perfect at this? No! That's why it's a resolution this year, I need to be more consistent. The granola recipe I posted a few weeks ago is going to be a great start to my morning.
2. Complete a DIY project that i'm proud of. I am a lover of crafts, but I really want to make something that is a 'wow' type project. One of those projects that makes you feel accomplished afterwards. I don't have anything in mind yet, but i'm sure Pinterest will help :)
3. Improve my triathlon time. My husband and I competed in our first triathlon last summer. We both had a blast! I am going to start training again soon and I REALLY want to blow my time last year out of the water. Wish me luck, Those 5 a.m. work out sessions aren't always fun.
4. Grow a flourishing garden. We have attempted to grow some vegetables the past few years but it has been pretty unsuccessful. I'm talking like 1 zucchini, and a handful of tomatoes. The garden plot we currently have is useless. We are planning on moving soon and so my hopes are high that we will get our act together and be more self sufficient!

Happy 2013 from the Sharps!